Fasting more benefits or damages?

Whether you’re considering that your body needs to be detoxified you should know that unnecessary substances are eliminated not only through the intestines, but also through the skin, urine, and breath. There is no “warehouse” in the body where waste products could accumulate; for example, the intestinal mucosa is constantly renewed.

Different studies have shown that not eating can stimulate the immune system: the body produces more glucocorticoids, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, cellular renewal.

But the side effects of fasting negate its benefits. The brain and other organs receive less oxygen. The muscles are exhausted. Skin nutrition is disrupted. Poisoning occurs with acetone bodies (produced in the body), anemia begins. As a result of long term fasting, a person’s toxic load on the liver increases, metabolic processes slow down, the body begins to feed on its own tissues, as a result of which the heart suffers, Serious digestive diseases – pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis – may worsen. Fasting can disrupt menses and provocate insomnia.

Recently, intermittent fasting has become one of the most common types of fasting. Intermittent fasting is indicated for:prevention of type 2 diabete, acceleration of metabolism, weight loss, but here are multiple side effects that need to be considered before adopting this style of eating.

The dangers of intermittent fasting:

The secretion of gastric juice is disturbed, which can lead to gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.Prolonged stagnation of bile can provoke cholecystitis and the formation of stones. The concentration of uric acid in the blood increases, which means that the risk of developing gout and urolithiasis increases.

Juice cleanses are become very popular for detox and weight lose.

Maybe your diet has been no really healthy: junk food, too much alcohol. You just feel like you need a ‘detox’ and a juice cleanse promoted everywhere sounds like the perfect solution. But, science tells us that this is not the way to go. We need to learn that’s our bodies are highly effective at detoxifying on their own. Admittedly, juice cleanses can lead to short-term weight loss, but this doesn’t mean it’s a healthy way to lose weight.The resulting nutrient deficiencies. Fruit and vegetable juice is almost completely devoid of protein, healthful fats and certain vitamins (like B12) — all of which are vital to health. Fiber is stripped out of fruits and vegetables during the juicing process. the fiber is important for  the healthy bacteria in our gut — helping us feel full, keeping blood sugar from going up too quickly and preventing constipation.The low calorie content of most juices can elicit fatigue, headaches, cravings and dizziness. It may lead to muscle and bone loss. The kidneys are responsible for removing oxalate, which can be found in high levels in some juices, so kidneys will be surcharged. 

To help your body to restore by himself it is recommended to follow a personalized diet adapted to your personal needs