Tuina Massage

Tuina Massage

Tuina massage in Ibiza, like acupuncture, works by stimulating the body’s qi flow to bring about internal harmony and balance.

It is generally agreed that tuina massage, also known as tui-na (pronounced twee-nah), has its roots in ancient China and is the earliest known kind of bodywork. Together with acupuncture, qi gong, and Chinese herbal medicine, it is one of the four pillars of traditional Chinese medicine.

The underlying principle is that symptoms like pain and sickness may be traced back to disruptions in the flow of qi, the essential life force or energy that flows through and sustains the body.

Tuina massage, like acupuncture, works by stimulating the body’s qi flow to bring about internal harmony and balance. Benefits include:

  • Improves Quality Of Life In Cancer Patients

  • Treats Musculoskeletal Disorders

  • Improve Osteoarthritis

  • Overcoming Depression

  • Reduces Neck Pain

  • Boosts Blood Circulation

  • Relieves Low Back Pain

  • Eases Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Promotes Healthy Lactation

  • Benefits Foot Issues From Diabetes

We visit you wherever you are in Ibiza. If you’re ready to fully understand how revitalising and therapeutic this Tuina Massage in Ibiza is, get in touch with us today.


120Per Hour